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US Navy (Tape) Body Fat Calculator

Using the U.S. Navy Method (called: Tape Measure) calculator you can get estimation of your body fat percentage and lean muscle mass.


Body Fat Percent

Fat Mass

Lean Muscle Mass

How accurate U.S. Navy-Tape measure?

Always note that measuring using Navy method can introduce a substantial error. It is advised to use Caliper Measure - Seven Site Jackson & Pollock method for best accuracy (available on this site and in Fit-Mark app).

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What is the correct body fat ﹪ using U.S. Navy-Tape measure for men?

For men, body fat percentages should fall: for athletes: 6﹪-13﹪, for general fitness levels: 14﹪-17﹪, for acceptable or average: 18﹪-25﹪ and anything above 26﹪ is generally considered to be overweight or obese.

What is the correct body fat ﹪ using U.S. Navy-Tape measure for women?

For women, body fat percentages should fall: for athletes: 14﹪-20﹪, for general fitness levels: 21﹪-24﹪, for acceptable or average: 25﹪-31﹪ and anything over 32﹪ is considered overweight or obese.